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Wanting to target the right leads and conversions for your real estate business?

Looking to get a strong online presence for your land and properties?

You’ve come to the right place!

Why Us?

We are a leading real estate marketing agency that provides comprehensive and in-depth information about the real estate business. Clients are our utmost priority and we guarantee to offer services based on the requirements of our clients for over 20 years.

What Choices?

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Reviews Posts
  • In Post Text Ads
  • In Post Banner Ads
  • Sidebar Banner Ads
  • Footer Banner Ads

Why Sponsored Content?

It’s a way to add value to clients and boost traffic with their content marketing efforts. With your content published in the right publisher platform, you can get

  • Increased visibility & branding
  • Quality backlinks & thereby boost your SEO endeavors
  • Referral traffic

What You’ll Get?

ROI: By advertising here at Housing Wire you will get the maximum traffic and Return on Investment. After all, this is what you are looking for, right?

Are you Blogger or Realtor? Want to share your knowledge or Content?

Type of Category Content Accept:

  • Land
  • Properties
  • Gated Communities
  • Villas
  • Flats/Apartments
  • Independent Housing

The article will be:

  • Informative
  • In-depth
  • Word count 1000+
  • Not duplicated – 100% Unique
  • Plagiarism free – Copy Scape Protected
  • Adding useful resources, images, and videos


  • Instant Publishing
  • The posts will be Google indexed
  • Permanent link with the do-follow link (5$)
  • Article writing services
  • Affordable prices
  • Link placement services (existing post)

How To Submit A Guest Post on Live Your Brand

  1. SIMPLE! Just send mail to us with your guest post “Title or Idea”.
  2. If your article is ready please send it to for approval & publication.
    Note: We have full control and permissions to edit the content, links, videos, gifs, infographics, and images published on